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ArmCare FX 1 | Introduction to ArmCare FX

We cannot accept a statistically significant finding in research to be gospel. Instead, focus on the Effect Size Calculation. Effect size stats are important for coaching as it shows how…

Why You Need to Strengthen Your Legs to Save Your Arm

Lead Leg Blocking is Essential to Throwing Hard Lead leg blocking refers to the stride leg directing force into the ground to decelerate the body's forward momentum headed toward the plate. It is essential that the lead leg block transfers as much linear energy as possible into rotation.

This Player Assessment is Changing How We Look at Pitching Efficiency

In this week's ArmCareIQ we talk about functional strength testing as means to identify when to adjust mechanics in making pitchers more efficient In this edition of ArmCare IQ, we look at the latest research on pitching efficiency and how it relates to performance and arm injuries. Utilizing fatigue-based measures is essential to know if a…